Friday, July 18, 2008

No, Senator McCain

This is the body of my letter to the editor I just sent to my local news outlets. John McCain thinks we can just muddle through in Afghanistan. He is quite wrong. This issue has nothing to do with his bid for the presidency. It has everything to do with his tenure as a legislator. The title of this post links to the page where you can view the video and very easily compose your own lett to the editor. If you prefer, you may feel free to copy and paste my letter and send it over your own electronic signature.

    We can not just "muddle through" in Afghanistan. We have spent too much money, too many American lives, and too many American dollars "muddling through" in Afghanistan.

    What we really need to do in Afghanistan is to stop muddling and get serious about unearthing Bin Laden. He needs to be brought to justice. Seven years is long enough to try "muddling through" don't you think?

    Stop wasting time and money. Get busy with Afghanistan. Leave the disaster of Iraq behind and get on with the job that needed to be done in the first place: Clean out Al Qaeda!

Our government needs to be kicked into gear. Kicked firmly and with vigor! Also think about sending this to your senators, representatives and the White House.

Act up! Join a cause, write letters, speak out, involve your friends and family and for heaven's sake get out the vote!

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