Saturday, July 5, 2008

Opening Shot - Hopefully Heard 'Round the World

I have long wanted a place to air my views on the political hppenings of my time. This is that place.

Dear readers, my blogroll is still under construction. If you know of a pointed political blog I need to read, please e-mail me the link at The blogs may include local newspaper colomns published on the web and not restricted by copyright. I will consider adding your suggestion to the roll. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

I will let my readers express their opinions and sass back at me all they want as long as the comments are clean. Profanity will be deleted and the profane may be banned.

The current state of affairs includes the insanity and oppression of the Bush administration. I will treat the subject as fairly as he has treated the American citizens. Make of that what you will.

The presidential election is still an ongoing eyesore and will continue until November 4th of this year, 2008. Stay tuned here for more. I will freely admit that I am an Obama backer but I am not going to sling mud at McCain. He is a viable candidate and deserves to be respected as such, at least until such time as he proves otherwise.

Expect to see some New Mexico and Albuquerque politics as well. If you are from other places, feel free to skip over those parts.

Hopefully this will be as much fun for everyone as it will be for me. I also hope it to be informative.


Amy, aka ABB said...

Hey Doc - can you change the blue on red letters? Really hard to read for these tired eyes.

Dr. Electro said...

I'm going for the red, white and blue theme but I can change the font color. Thanks for being my first ever commenter! :D

Anonymous said...

Second ever commenter right here, dude!!

Amy, aka ABB said...

Thanks for the change, Doc! I can see, I can see!

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed to the huffingtonpost and this is my first time responding to a link. Not sure how to reply to someone's blog though.
My comment is about Bush. Happened to listen to Sue Johanson, a sex-educator who does radio and tv shows in the U.S. She told the host of the Canadian show I was listening to, that Americans are badly in need of sex education and said that sex education is not allowed in any school in the U.S. He promotes abstinence whether you're a teenage girl or an adult woman of any age who's younger than 30.
He's against birth control, period!
The national anthem where it goes, "the land of the free....! is an absolute misnomer. The U.S. is far from being a true democracy . I'm not talking about breaking the law, doing something illegal...I'm talking about the right to be non-theist, the right to a safe, legal abortion, equal rights, same-sex couples, etc.
It's the little things Bush says in his typical speeches that tell me the country he presides over, until November, is not the democracy he makes it out to be.
Like the Clinton pronouncement when he was President, about the military, "Don't ask. Don't tell" and the absurdity of that now with people, gay, who speak Arabic or other Middle Eastern languages, soldiers, whatever their rank, basically barred from serving because they'
The Religious Right trying to put a stop to California's Supreme Court ruling, overturning the ban on same-sex marriage.
I've heard some people, who they are is irrelevant, say that if McCain was to be elected, god forbid, they'd leave the country. Not only are Americans tired of the war that Bush started by invading Afghanistan, his "shock and awe" strategy, they're tired of losing more and more and then some...their daughters and sons.

Dr. Electro said...

That is the most thought-provoking comment left here yet. You make some excellent points and I agree with each one of them.

Bush has all but killed the USA, both internationally and at home. I can't stand him and his ilk. They are running the best country in the world into a slime pit it can't pull itself out of.

McCain would be a huge disaster piled on top of a huge disaster. I too have heard people threaten to leave if he is elected. I hope to God that the American voters all wake up in November and elect Obama by a huge landslide!